Caradigm is a new kind of health IT company formed by GE Healthcare and Microsoft. Our goal is to transform care by empowering health systems and providers with the real-time, system-wide data and intelligence needed to improve care quality and the patient experience, and ultimately, the economics of health and wellness.
Caradigm combines the power of an open technology platform and collaborative clinical applications to bring together disparate patient data and transform it into intelligence. We enable others in the industry to take advantage of the platform to innovate—rapidly generating a new era of applications to improve population management. Our goal is to make it easy for caregivers across the entire healthcare continuum to gain the insight they need to collaborate with ease and provide the best patient care possible.
Caradigm’s Health Intelligence Platform provides healthcare institutions the ability to bring all their data together into one place. From this megastore, numerous applications can be built, such as: analytical and data mining engines, customized workflow management, and simplified sharing of critical information with physicians and other healthcare providers worldwide. Come join our new company Caradigm, jointly owned by Microsoft and GE Healthcare.